Last Updated: 26 July 2018

European Street Rod Association Constitution
The European street Rod Association
The European street Rod Association was formed in 1995 as an umbrella organisation for European countries with Street Rodding intrests, allowing a forum to compare conditions, laws and registrations. A Street Rod is a vehicle, or a replica with a body shape that was manufactured prior to 1949.
The European street Rod (ESRA) Constitution
1. The European Street Rod Association (ESRA) will recognise only one national Street Rod association/organisation from each member country.
2. The aim of the ESRA is to promote Street Rodding, communication and commonality in the spirit of the European Community
3. One meeting, the ESRA Street Rod Nationals (or the Euronats) will be held on a annual basis in a different country as decided by the ESRA committee.
4. The Euronats host country will hold the position of “Chair” holder for the year preceding that event. The previous “Chair” holder will take the position of “vice Chair” for the same period.
5. ESRA committee decisions can only be made with a “quorum” of two thirds of the ESRA Country representatives present at any one meeting.The emphasis will on these decisions being made at ESRA meetings, which must have a 50% representation of member countries present. Votes will be on the basis of numbers of Street Rods registered to each country as follows; less than 50 – one vote, between 50 and 200 – two votes, greater than 200 – three votes.
6. One ESRA conference will be held each year, preferably at each Euronats with an additional conference to be held at the site of the following Euronats.
7. Qualification for a new member country inclusion or existing member country exclusion will be by ESRA committee decision.
8. Member country representatives will be required to communicate in English via email or telephone and provide the ESRA with periodically update member association/organization status.
9. Changes to the ESRA Constitution can be by committee decision.